Air Park Drive-In
US 50, Burlington, W.Va.
capacity: 200 cars
years of operation: 1949-70s (71 at least, maybe
several years after)
currently: screen gone but both the cinderblock
projection booth and the snack bar/roadside eatery building are
still standing. The apartment atop the snack bar is still used as
a residence. (See photos below.)
After the Baker family sold the drive-in in the '70s, the new owners built a tall fence around it and took it X-rated. Community outrage ensured that this wouldn't last long; the drive-in was closed shortly afterward.
Click here to see a 1989 aerial photograph of the former drive-in and surrounding area. The faint outline of the ramps can be seen on the site, on the south side of Route 50 across from the West Virginia Division of Highways installation.
A view toward where the screen was (in front of the trees on the
Above photos taken May 2003.
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