Hull's Drive-In

location US 11 north of Lexington, Va.
telephone (540) 463-2621
year opened 1950
capacity 319 cars
booking policy double features; open captions Sunday
admission click here
screen size 50 by 90 feet
sound FM, speakers
other features digital projection

Opened on August 5, 1950 as the Lee Drive-In by Waddy C. and Virginia Atkins of Roanoke; in August 1957, changed to present name under new owner Sebert W. Hull, who operated it for 41 years before passing away in early 1998. In 1999 it went dark; however, a group of local citizens, calling themselves "Hull's Angels", incorporated and mobilized in order to save their beloved drive-in from oblivion. They leased the property and put into effect their plans to revive the drive-in, and eventually purchase it outright. Thanks to their tireless efforts, it reopened in July 2000 -- the only non-profit, community-owned drive-in theatre in America. Recently the Angels completed their purchase of the business, but help is still accepted from all to make needed upgrades to the drive-in and keep it running (i.e., you too can be a Hull's Angel). Details are on the Hull's website (see above link).

Some articles on Hull's:
American Profile magazine, 6/12/2005
The Roanoker, May/June 2005
View a recent NBC Nightly News segment on Hull's.

What's Playing click on a title for info

Snow White (2025) 7:45
Captain America: Brave New World

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Rate/comment on this drive-in
If you've been to Hull's and would like to share your opinions, click here.

Average rating: 4.87 (8 votes)
  "Absolutely great. Food was good. We had a wonderful time."  5 -- Fifer
  "Very nicely maintained and operated. I'd recommend it to anyone who likes classic Drive-Ins."  5 -- Stan Sheridan
  "We come from Altavista, VA and we love the atmosphere and a good drive-in movie. It's worth the trip and it's fun. We've been coming to Hull's for 3 years and will keep coming back."  5 -- Mike Creasy
  "Keep up the good work, hope it stays open for other generations"  5 -- Eddie
  "Enjoy drive-in a lot. Some of the speakers need a little work."  4 -- Esther
  "Visited Hull's for the first time to see Cars with my husband. It brought back great childhood memories of going to the drive-in - the sights, smells, sounds. Awesome! The only problem is, it was sooo relaxing, I fell asleep during the movie! We drove in from Botetourt County."  5 -- Gina
  "I love this drive-in, a cheap family outing on a weekend, would like to see maybe one night a week committed to children with movies like Cars. Other than that this place is awesome, I live in Callaghan which is about 50 mins away."  5 -- JANET
  "I live in Ohio and visit my family several times a year in Covington. Everytime I come in during the summer I have to come to the drive in. All of the family gets together and drives over. We have a great time and enjoy coming every year. You guys are doing a great job and I hope you keep this going for many years to come."  5 -- Tammy

Click here to see the 1990 USGS map depicting the drive-in and surrounding area.
here to see a 1998 aerial photo of the drive-in.

Thanks to Joe Smith for the pictures below, taken on 6/2/2000, as the Hull's Angels were preparing the drive-in for its reopening:

More photos:
On the
next page are photos of Hull's taken on reopening night, July 7, 2000.
here for a spectacular photo of the then-Lee Drive-In and surrounding area, taken shortly after the theatre's 1950 opening. Thanks to David Atkins, grandson of the founders, for providing the photo.

Got some additional information, or some pictures or stories about this drive-in you'd like to share? Email me -- thanks!