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Frederick Drive-In
Jefferson Pike (MD 180, formerly US 340), Frederick, Md.
capacity: 150-300? cars
years of operation: 1951-82
currently: Jefferson Pike Business Park

Opened as the Family Drive-In, it was originally rather small, with only about a 150-car capacity. In 1970 it was renovated, enlarged, and renamed the Frederick Drive-In by new owner Daniel Weinberg, who had just purchased it after closing down his competing Braddock Drive-In the previous year. (Weinberg, who built the Hiway Drive-In in Hagerstown, also ran numerous other Frederick theatres, including the Holiday Cinemas and the old downtown Tivoli, which is now the Weinberg Center for the Performing Arts.)

Below is part of a 1974 aerial photo showing the drive-in.

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