Chestertown Drive-In
location 1: MD 213 (then US 213) about 2 miles east
of the Chester River shore opposite Chestertown, Md.
capacity: 150 cars
years of operation: 1950-54
currently: several roadside businesses, including a
motel (?)
Click here for the 1973 USGS map showing the approximate location
of the drive-in. The boundaries are not shown here, but the L-shaped building
(a motel) and some stores to the west of it occupy the drive-in site and
immediate vicinity.
location 2: Sudlersville
Rd. (MD 100) 1 mile east of Church Hill, Md.
capacity: 150 cars
years of operation: 1955-57
currently: part of residential area; the old roadside store behind which
the theatre was built is still standing
Got some additional information, or some pictures
or stories about this drive-in
you'd like to share? Email me -- thanks!